Monday, December 29, 2008


...Well maybe nobody.  It isn't likely that the upcoming Watchmen film, an adaptation of the acclaimed graphic novel by Alan Moore, will be shelved forever, but its future is quite uncertain.  Fox studios, notorious for a recent slew of severely bad films, has just won its slimy lawsuit against Warner Brothers (the studio originally distributing the picture).  Fox claimed that they still had ownership over the rights to a Watchmen adaptation (even after a failed attempt at one themselves.)  Through some extremely unfortunate miscommunications, Warner Brothers never completely gained the rights, and judge Gary Allen has ruled that Fox has won the film's distribution.  Although complete details are still scarce, it looks like the long running legal battle of almost a year has finally ended.

So what does this mean for our dark, brooding bunch of costumed heroes?  Well nothing as drastic as most fanboys are dreading.  Although the dastardly Fox Studios will now control some sort of distribution, that doesn't mean they will have any sort of creative control over the finished reel.  More likely, Warner Brothers will end up paying through the nose to keep complete ownership of the picture, and Fox will be making a bunch of money for doing nothing.  We will probably also be seeing Fox's outdated "Twentieth Century" logo on the finished product.  Although I have absolutely no respect left for Fox, the outcome will be no skin off my teeth.  Warner will do whatever it takes to keep the release on schedule, and Fox will probably never even enter the cutting room floor.  I will be watching the Watchmen on March 6th, and you should be too.  Oh, and don't worry, Fox will get what's coming to them, it's karma (AKA a bunch of terrible movies that don't make jack squat in theaters).

Don't go changin'

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